
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The verdict is in....

....and the 18 year old killer texting driver is going to jail- but only for one year.

55 year old grandfather Donald Bowley is dead as a result of Aaron Deveau being too darn busy texting to bother paying any attention to the highway.

The story is covered here.  Frankly, I am a bit pissed off that this young man isn't going to do more time.  A man was killed by his actions, for Christ's sake!  Is that all a man's life is worth these days?  365 days' time???  Really???

It looks like his driver's license will be suspended for 15 years, but I am sure he will end up driving during his suspension anyhow, just like everyone I've ever heard about who got a DUI/DWI.  It would be funny if it weren't so damn tragic.......

Please folks, stay off the damn cell phones while you're driving.

LWM out............


  1. sadly as soon as he gets out and drives illegally he will text again. that cell phone and text is more important to people then life itself sadly

  2. This IMO is one of the main issues in our society today- prioritization problems.

    Who can worry about politics when we need to discuss Dancing With The Stars???

    How can you play catch with your kid when you need to watch the football game & keep track of your Fantasy League???

    How can one worry about other traffic on the highway when I just had a new text come in???

    It sounds like a cruel joke, but it is the truth, and it is not going to change any time soon.
